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Writer's pictureChance

The Spy Over There is Actually Here!

Updated: Jul 8

Shortly after the release of Captain Bacon I was told,

"Your picture books are too young and Captain Bacon is too old. Do you have anything to bridge that gap?"



I present to you Spy Over There, my early readers chapter book.

If there was any word that describes this book perfectly I would say;


I don't think I have ever written such a feel good story before. To me this story feels like a warm blanket next to a fire. But to all the feel good vibes it has there is a moral I don't see many people talk about or covering and that has to do with controlling an over active imagination.

That while having an active imagination is a good thing it can get you into trouble if you don't control your thoughts. The book is quite a short easy read being 6 Thousand words, About half the length of Captain Bacon Farmers' Market. With a page count of 94. The most notable comment I've received over this book has been over the font interestingly enough. As an Early Readers Chapter Book I purposely make the font larger and easier to read which many people have liked and pointed out with a print test copy that I have had displayed for a few months.


What is the story about?

Zack is a boy that loves a comic book series called Spies Vs Aliens and one day while being in a doughnut shop with Grandma he sees a guy dressed like the Spymaster from the comic books. It can't be a coincidence perhaps there's more to the story of why they are interested in the upcoming dog show. It's going to take Zach and his friend Devon to figure out what they are up to.

That little extra that we add into our books I would like to reveal to you some of the the comic book covers that created all this drama in this new story.

There are a total of 16 of these pictures slipped into the illustrations.

Fun fact!

When creating the comic book covers we followed the rules I spelt out in the story, and a loosely build plot line of what each volume could contain and and built the comic book covers with plot in mind.

So if we ever find the time the comic book could be created in real life.

Where did the inspiration come from?

A number of years ago Pascha and I were trying to get some writing done at Tim Horton's in Westlock the morning after the Westlock Winter Market in November. After a short while this guy walked in. He was bald with dark sunglasses, black pants and shirt under a matrix like black coat. He clearly stood out in the restaurant. For anyone that isn't familiar with the area it is a old farming town. The main highway cuts right through town. Large farming stores offering new tractors of competing brands line the highway and cattle trucks pass by regularly as the auction house is ten minutes out of town. He clearly stood out among the old farming townsfolk.

We became inspired and practically spelt out most of the story that morning.


What is the story like?

I would like to leave you with the first two pages of the second chapter. What do you think? Are you willing to spy on a spy?

Chapter 2 Early Readers Chapter Book Spy Over There

If you are interested in purchasing this book you can order it right from the printer starting June 17,2024 for $18.00 InPrint - Self Published Books (


Thank you for your time

Chance Hansen Keep Smiling

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