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The Three Book Phase

Paper Abstract

Every phase explained

1 The Silent Reality.jpg

Phase 1
Green Pea 

18 Captain Bacon.JPG

Back in the beginning with the creation of The Silent Reality, and the Green Pea Books we didn't know what we were doing. But our first goal was to be unique and find a way to stand out.

The is the reason the floor is a clue to the next food in

Green Pea, "Not A Home For Me!"

The fun interactive direction was re-done for

Green Pea Counts One Two Three but we also added

Sign Language to give it that one extra step. 

2 Green Pea Not A Home For Me.jpg
Page 2.jpg
3 Green Pea Counts One Two Three.jpg
4 Green Pea Makes A Flourless Cookie.jpg
Page 16.jpg

As  my life as a baker was coming to a close we created Green Pea Makes A Flourless Cookie. While our focus was making it a real recipe it was the first time we went with full detail backgrounds but also the end of a style.

Phase 2
Green Pea World

5 Green Pea Goes To Salad Bowl School.JPG

With the release of Green Pea Makes A Flourless Cookie

we had a new problem. Our illustrations looked more muted.

 This is where Green Pea Goes To Salad Bowl School came

in with felts. It's also where secrets started getting

incorporated into our books becomes noticeable.

The library picture alone took 12 hours for this book. Some titles still waiting release dates.


In this Phase we looked closer at the

world itself. Building onto the attention

to detail. 

Salad Bow School
Library Books
6 Green Pea Sing To Me.PNG

The last release being Green Pea

Goes To The Derby this was our first book to pass the 50 illustrations. 7 of which a character sitting of bleachers.

None of which are identical. 


7 Green Pea Goes To The Derby.jpg

By this time is was clear our main rules was not to use an interior image as a front cover.

8 Trash Monsters.PNG

Phase 3
Going Square

 On top of the increased image count Phase 3 was all about going out of our comfort zone of the Green Pea Books. Smaller books, and a tighter design.


10 Bedroom Mayhem.PNG
9 Never Give up Hope.PNG

Because of the exhaustive image count in Never Give Up... Hope, and with Bedroom being released right after all the toys, clothes and other miscellaneous, things scattered across his room were drawn by sight. All the stuff was display in our living room on wooden board raised by sawhorses.

Phase 4
Artistic Shift

13 Sibling Strife.PNG

Phase 4 is the first true attempt in pushing the reading style and illustrative perspective.


With Border Shift and Sibling came from the idea of the left and right pages being independent of each other. A concept you will probably see in future books but in a more fully realized story and design.

11 Border Shift.PNG

Sibling Strife while not only being built on left and right story lines, the illustrations were designed to blend into each other. As both Characters are designed to compliment each other.

Page 5.jpg
Page 6.jpg
12 Doris's Doors.PNG

Doris's Doors is one of our friendliest stories for book lovers. It was the first step into new art styles. A new idea to elevate a simpler story.

Phase 4 was the biggest step into our new stylized design yet.

Tattered book 2.jpg

Phase 5
Art perception

Tattered book.jpg
17 Cravers.PNG
14 Tattered.PNG

Starting with Tattered the illustrations were destroyed prior to the creation of this book to create an authentic believability to it's design. But the style didn't end there.

The story itself isn't visually on the pages. We took the extra step by having the story attached with sticky notes, paper clipped or strips of paper taped to make the illusion even stronger.

It's the little details we focused on to make this a work of art.

15 Edit Away.PNG

 Edit Away has the least amount of

visuals compared to any other book.

With that being said it is 3 layers of 

images on top of each other.

After the characters were created

and fitted on the page, the text was

added and printed so Pascha could

illustrated the speech bubbles. 

Not since Green Pea, "Not A Home For Me!" Has the text of a book been treated as an illustration


Page 3.jpg
16 Colorless Rainbow.PNG

 Colorless Rainbow most notable art direction as with Edit Away most of the story could very well be told through the illustrations alone. With Colorless Rainbow the Mel Rain the main character's color depends on her depression and loneliness surrounding her bullying. 


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Page 12 A.jpg

What made Phase 5 more interesting is between Tattered, Edit Away, Colorless Rainbow, and Cravers. These illustrations have been more minimal art style but stronger plots.  

Phase 6


This is yet to be explored.


They have an endless supply of cakes, cookies, and most importantly, chocolates.

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