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Top Secret!

The Ultimate Government is here and nothing can stop it.  


Welcome to the Fourth Corner of Author Squared.

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Under The Shield

On January 5, 2010 Josh Freedman's life was ruined forever.
While at C.P. Mall with his family a train burst through the wall decimating the building. A year later Josh awakes from a coma to learn that his family has perished in the accident and federal investigators find his survival suspicious.
Unknowingly a underground government has set everything in motion and Freedman is within their grasp.

Color Wheel

More information will be revealed over time.

Who Is Josh Freedman?

Josh Gregory Freedman loves his life.

He's a family man, loves being a father and a loving husband.
He's a little OCD that things have to be in their proper place and has a little bit of a temper. Prefers Urban living and his favorite colour is red. 

He is also legally blind suffering from Bronpeers. A rare hereditary degenerative disease that also has a neurological aspect to it. If Freedman's emotions are excessive his vision can completely black out. 

An ai attempted visual example of Josh and Valerie Freedman

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